Integrated Marketing Communication
The Problem
How can
companies create an integrated marketing communication system?
What is integrated marketing communication?
What is integrated marketing communication?
- Planning process for marketing communication
- Use of different promotional methods like television, print media, social media, email (...)
- Coordination of marketing communication tools like budget, strategies, advertisment (...)
- Uniform brand appearance/ brand presence
- Use of multichannel to create a competitive advantage
- 4 C's : Coherence, Consistency, Continuity, Complementary
7 Steps of IMC:
- Begin at the beginning: Message? Audience?
- Set objectives! Make your plan measurable!
- Define your identity! ( Logo, colours, look )
- Basic information, use different ways to communicate
- Visibility/ Awareness
- Strenghten your connections/ client relationships
- Set deadlines! (budget and time)
· Event sponsorship
· Advertisement
· Combination of communication tools
· Consistent Message
· Company Image
· Corporate values
· Reach the target audience
· Transparency
· Positioning
· Stay in mind! Memorability
· Use social tools to create a brand image
· Press Relation
· Integrated Marketing Communication
· Advertisement
· Publicity
· Personal selling
· consistency
· Integarted elements
· Communication impact
What is the IMC Mix?
Promotion Mix:
What is the IMC Mix?
Promotion Mix:
What is
Integrated Marketing Communication about and how does it work in practice?
1. What do you have to coordinate in IMC
and how?
You have to coordinate the communication with a variety of groups of
customers, stakeholders, employees, investors and suppliers. Marekting communication tools like budget,strategies and advertismenet need to be coordinated aswell. Especially you
have to coordinate the main message of a brand although there is variety of
media and communication tools which can be used. Consequently the possible
inconsistency needs to be precluded by using IMC.
But you also need to be aware of the intercultural aspect and decide which marketing strategie fits to which culture to have a balancing integration and also a cultural flexibility.
But you also need to be aware of the intercultural aspect and decide which marketing strategie fits to which culture to have a balancing integration and also a cultural flexibility.
"Think global, act local"
2. How can a company synchronize
communication tools to give a consistent message?
- Provide clarity, consistency, maximum communication impact
- Integrated tools: advertisement, direct mail, social media, telemarketing, sales promotion
- Make a marketing plan/ campaign concerning budgets, messages, visuality,
- Marketing consistency in different cultures, regions, language
3. What are common mistakes in IMC you
have to be aware of?
5 Big Mistakes!
(1) Don’t ignore the power of postal
(2) Be aware of what generates your
online results
(3) Poor data hygiene
(4) Inefficient use of Modeling
(5) Hasty results analysis
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