Mittwoch, 27. April 2016

Trends in Marketing Communication

What are future trends in marekting communication?

Learning objectives:

  1. What are current trends in marketing communication?

  2. What are future trends?

  3. How does technology affect marketing communication in the future?



Current trends in marketing communication


Consumer-Led communications marketing

The demographic change, Smartphones, technology and especially Social Media marks the rise of the "Consumer Marketing director". Digital trends all have one in comon: focus on the consumer. Brands place consumers at the center of marketing strategies and consumers change into models like we can see it on Instagram. Trends and Advertisements are shared in Social Media and a new information platform is created. Social Media is a "Grand Illusion" and masses a willing to follow.


Better Together

Making the marketing strategy more efficient print, social media, email and digital marketing have to work closely together. Especially in focus are omni-channel marketing campaigns through capabilities such as quality,variable data and press speed. As a result defining the message and targeting each sonsumer will make a huge difference and wide range in brand engagement.

Big Data

All omni-channel marketing campaigns are built on Big data collection. This also refers to Customer Relationship marketing and the difference between Mass Marketing or individual realtionship marketing. You need to target your audience with a customized message and therefore you need data analysis. With analysing the customer, his needs and bying habits omni-channel marketing can be effectively realized.

Marketing Accountability for Successful Campaigns

One of the most facing problems nowadays is to find the most suitable communication channel with regard to the budget. It is always about how effective the overall campaign can deliver the product and the marketing message especially with focus on the target group.
As a marketer, you’re held accountable for developing engaging marketing campaigns while increasing Return On Investment.

Communication Future Trends

  1. Put more focus on the value of emotions
  2. Studying behaviour
  3. Create value on Social Media Platforms ( Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, ...)
  4. Integration 


How does technology affect market trends in the future? 

 Gartner_TopTrends2016-Forbes Graphic


Important Statistics regarding Marketing future trends:

  • About 72 percent of marketers worldwide believe that the traditional marketing model is no longer adequate considering the abrupt and constant changes in digital marketing (Mondo).
  • Mobile and video will be at the heart of customer engagement 3-5 years from now (Mondo).
  • In 2017, digital marketing spending will surpass IT-related spending (Gartner).
  • Predictive analytics and customer-centric objects are key in creating a more individualized marketing experience (NJIT).
  • By 2020, there will be more than 75 billion devices in use worldwide (Business Insider).

Technolgy and Digitalization

Technology already is an omnipresent topic and  it will impact digital marketing in the future. For example the invention of virtual reality could be a new trend with high influence on social media and digitalization. The future already starts by innovative new ideas like virtual reality and the implementation of it for example Samsung gives away a virtual reality glass with every new bought phone. The digital era already has disrupted traditional marketing and especially new platforms are created by digitalization.
Another future trend will be Internet of things. This means that physical objects like devices, vehicles, buildings and other items are connected via internet and sensors. The technology becomes an instance of the more general class of cyber-physical systems and smart homes, smart grids and smart transportation will be omnipresent. Especially the connection and communication via internet will make customers more transparent and will bring value to the marketing and communication sector.

My tending Trends


Cyber-physical systems
Virtual reality
Internet of things
Smart technolgy


Freitag, 8. April 2016

Creative idea and messages

How can a creative process lead to effective messaging?

Learning Objectives:

  1. What does creative process consist of?
  2. How to create appeling messages for the target audience?
  3. Give examples

 Creative process



 What is Creativity?

 “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.”   

-Albert Einstein-

Mental characteristic that allows a person to think outside of the box, which results in innovative or different approaches to a particular task. "Amy's creativity is the main factor that landed her the job at the design firm."
The creative process is a tool that everyone can use and that is not just reserved for people that call themselves artists or creative. Creativity can solve problems by looking at something from a total new point of view. The problem or task can be solved by finding new ways of solution with a combination of previosuly unconnected ideas.

Wallas' model of the creative process: 

 Wallas model of the creative process shows a new way of a creative process in comparison to the traditional process. Traditional studies explain the creative process as the combination of analytical thinking and creativity. But Wallas' model suggests that it is subconscious and can NOT be directed. Wallas distinguishes in the four phases: Preparation; Incubation; Illumination and Verification.


  1. Preparation: The so called process of preparation is the process of collecting information, using attention, reasoning, planning and feeding your brain with material. Creativity does not just arise it needs material and information to "work" with and fill in the process of beeing innovative.
  2. Incubation: In this stage you need to let it go and set your mind free. This means to not concentrate on the problem you are thinking of and get new space for creativity.
  3. Illumination: "Oh my god, that's the idea"- In this moment you fall in love with this one idea and focus on it as the solution.
  4. Verification: Creativity is a contionous process and critical thinking can widen the horizon continously. Also the idea has to be packaged in the right way to make it "accessable" and share it in the right way with others. You are the salesman of xour own ideas.


How can we create an appeling message to the target audience? 

Furthermore the appealing message is more than just the creative process. While solving the problem and thinking of ideas to solve it the audience's point of view needs to be taken into the focus. This helps you to create a valuable message to the audience and makes it more effective and especially powerful. To finally reach the audience and create a great communication line we need to understand their point of view and perspective precisely.
Questions that guide us to the audiences perspective could be:

Who is our audience?
What is their point of view?
What values does the audience have?
How will this message provide them with value?


Coca Cola // Pepsi

Mittwoch, 6. April 2016

Media agencies

Media agencies and selecting the media mix


Problem: How to corporate with media agencies?


Learning objectives: 

  1. What do media agencies do?
  2. What stages are involved in media planning?
  3. How to optimize media expenditure?

Media Agencies


Media agencies are companies that advice on how and where to advertise and on how to present a positive picture of themselves to the public. Many firms use media agencies especially to represent their brands online. 
The services a media agency offer are about: advertising, public relations and media management. The marketing message the media agency creates has to appear at the right place, at the right time, right quality, right quantity and to the right price for the customer.
The usual hierarchy of the account services is: account executive, account manager, account director and head of department.

A media buying service is responsible for purchasing advertisemnts space and time.. With media planning and buying, a media buyer has to evaluate media reach, formats and pricing and everything that is related to the advertiser's marketing objectives.

Media bying agencies are very similar to advertising agencies except they do not offer any creative services. Full service advertising agencies offer media bying and media planning services.

Media Planner:
  • selects the media to meet clients marketing objectives
  • creative service
Media Buyer:
  • work with media planners
  • selects the right media for reaching effectively the target audience
  • purchases the media
  • choses the right place for the marketing message

Find a ranking of leading agency brands here:

Starcom Mediavest show how media agencies work:

 Media planning

Among media planning the entire planning process for the targeted use of mass media (newspapers, radio, television, Internet, etc.) is meant for the purpose of advertising.

The process of media planning is involved in the marketing management process. To achieve those derived from the marketing objectives advertising goals, media planning analyzes the following questions:
  1. What budget is needed? 
  2. What is the advertising message?
  3. Who is the target audience of the campaign? (Target group) 
  4. Which advertisement format should be used? (Advertising Materials) 
  5. Which media will be promoted? (Advertising)  
  6. When and where will be promoted? (Temporal and geographical spread) 
  7. In which way will be promoted? ( continously?) 

 Elements of a Media Plan


(1) Client request and marketing objective
  •  Business/ Sales Objectives
  • Strategies for upcoming year
  • Initiatives
  • Research/ Industry Trends

(2) Media objective
  • Who?
  • Freqence?
  • Budget Consideration
(3) Media strategies
  • Where? When? What?

(4) Media tactics and media vehicle selection
  •  Magazines/ radio/ TV/ Out-of-home/ Newspapers (...)

(5) Plan and recommendation
  • Executive
  • Evaluate
  • Adjust if needed

 Selecting the right Marketing Mix

The right Marketing Mix can help a company to approach consistently new sales while sustaining customer lifetime value over a long period of time. By profiling customers and determining goals and tactics, you can create a marketing mix that will help you succeed in building a strong sutomer base. Furthermore creating a customer profile helps to make decisions concerning: product, price, promotion and placement. Concerning the companys goals and budget the most efficient marketing tactic has to be chosen. The most value can be created by increasing benefits to the customer and tactics so called "Marketing Mix" can create this value.

  • The customer profile you create will help you make product, pricing, promotion, and placement decisions.
  • Some marketing tactics are more expensive than others. Decide which ones are the most efficient considering your goals and your budget.
  • Once you have created your customer profile and determined your goals and budget you'll be able to make tactical decisions that will reach your customers throughout the entire life cycle of the product.

  • Source: Boundless. “Creating a Marketing Mix.” Boundless Marketing. Boundless, 08 Jan. 2016. Retrieved 07 Apr. 2016 from

    What is the Marketing Mix?

    Product: What is the product that fulfills the customer's needs?

    Price: What should be the appropriate price for this product that allows to compete with other products in the same segment?

    Place: In what markets should the company offer a product?

    Promotion: How should the product be promoted?
    By profiling customers and determining goals and tactics, you can create a marketing mix that will help you succeed in building a strong customer base.

    Source: Boundless. “Creating a Marketing Mix.” Boundless Marketing. Boundless, 08 Jan. 2016. Retrieved 07 Apr. 2016 from
    By profiling customers and determining goals and tactics, you can create a marketing mix that will help you succeed in building a strong customer base.

    Source: Boundless. “Creating a Marketing Mix.” Boundless Marketing. Boundless, 08 Jan. 2016. Retrieved 07 Apr. 2016 from
    By profiling customers and determining goals and tactics, you can create a marketing mix that will help you succeed in building a strong customer base.

    Source: Boundless. “Creating a Marketing Mix.” Boundless Marketing. Boundless, 08 Jan. 2016. Retrieved 07 Apr. 2016 from
    By profiling customers and determining goals and tactics, you can create a marketing mix that will help you succeed in building a strong customer base.

    Source: Boundless. “Creating a Marketing Mix.” Boundless Marketing. Boundless, 08 Jan. 2016. Retrieved 07 Apr. 2016 from

    5 Simple Steps to create value

    1. Understand your products and services
    2. Don't skimp on your marketing budget
    3. Try a variety of marketing tools
    4. Know your target audience
    5. Create realistic, measurable sales goals ( SMART)
